Solar Energy Update 2024

2024 is considered by many in the industries as a stagnant year for solar. Module price prices have fallen to all time low as borrowing rates remain high. A combination which does not mix well. This does not mean things are not moving along for the industry. The Biden-Harris administration announced a $7 Billion dollar Solar for All grant last April which will help many low and middle-income communities make the switch to solar. There are many government tax breaks need to be talked about more so that we can take advantage of them. I feel as if at times they don’t want the information to get out there. One example of a tax break right here where I reside in Philadelphia is the local tax credit if you live within the county boundaries. That is a rebate of $0.20 per watt for residential installs and $0.10 for commercial projects as long as you install before 2025. This is on top of the 30% tax credit provided you qualify depending on your situation. Theres a lot more room for solar to grow over the next few years and decades. My hope is solar goes mainstream and everyone gets talking about it. I know there are a lot of crooked companies out there praying on the innocent that have given the industry a bad name, but there are also a lot of companies and individuals trying to do right. Solar is here to stay. If you have any questions don’t hesitate to fell out a contact form.

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Tower Solar best solar company in Palm Beach. To serve the best solutions.

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Solar Energy Update 2024

2024 is considered by many in the industries as a stagnant year for solar. Module price prices have fallen to all time low as borrowing